Required the following
offer available for reservation:
Offer Subject: غرفة في برج. العالم. الحفائر. قريب الحرم
Hotel Name: برج العالم ٢
From Data: November 25 - Departure date: November 25
night number: 2 per 1/room
number rooms available: 55 for all guests
The maximum number of guests: 200 Maximum number of guests in all rooms
total night: 110 period is complete
Price: (5.00) - One SR per night, including taxes and commissions
total price: (550) - For all rooms during the entire period
neighborhood: التيسير
City: مكة
connectors: يوميا. الى الحرم عند كل صلاة
car parking: موقف سيارة. مدفوع
the expected entry time: 12
the expected time of leave: 16
number single beds available: 150 - in this Offer
number double beds available: 25 - in this Offer
Choose the selling method: جملة - Retail: Sale of any number of rooms - Wholesale: Sale of all rooms in one transaction
Location on the map:
street: حامد بن تشاد
At Distance (kilometres from Haram): 2
The type of accommodation: 1
Classification of the hotel or place of residence: بدون
payment method: نقداً